7 Tips for Easing Neck Pain

September 15, 2022

Neck pain is one of the most common types of pain you can encounter in your daily life. While sometimes it goes away on its own, it’s still best to get to the root of the problem and solve this particular discomfort. To help you with this, check out the following tips to ease neck strain: 

Drink Plenty of Water

If you’re experiencing neck pains and strains, it’s best to check out your daily water intake. You may think this is irrelevant, but water is crucial to ensure that your spine’s vertebral discs are healthy. Keeping these discs hydrated helps with spinal alignment, which reduces discomfort on your neck. 

Drinking water can also prevent the degeneration of your spinal discs. Note that each individual disc is made of eighty percent water which deteriorates as humans age. You could prevent or slow this down by improving your hydration habits by leaps and bounds. 

You could start carrying a liter of water everywhere you go and drink at set times. To help you track your consumption, it’s also helpful to get a journal or simply set the alarm on your mobile phone. 

Make Stretching a Habit

Stretching is a light exercise that alleviates pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints. As such, it’s a helpful practice when you’re long-suffering from neck strains and pains. If you’re a beginner in this, it’s best to take it slow and stretch gently without forcing your body too much. 

There are different stretching variations that specifically target neck pain and stiffness. In most cases, this can be done at home as long as you practice with the utmost precautions. You could start by slowly turning your head side to side, then proceed with more complex stretches. 

You could also take it a notch further and engage in other physical activities stimulating your muscles. For one, you can enroll yourself in a class and do yoga or pilates. As long as you know your limits, you’re free to explore exercises that can ease your neck pain. 

Opt for the Ergonomic Route 

One thing you should prioritize if you’re keen on eliminating neck pain once and for all is comfort and efficiency. This is done by incorporating ergonomic adjustments in your daily life, including your career settings. In fact, doing so will not only ease your discomfort but also yield more productivity. 

You could start by using ergonomic techniques to maintain great posture, particularly those that won’t strain your spine. This includes getting a headrest and fixing your computer monitor at eye level. You should also elevate other gadgets at a 45° angle if possible.

If you have the budget for it, get yourself a high-quality chair to make your space more comfortable. An adjustable desk or stand is also a must, especially if you suffer from neck pain.

Add Magnesium to Your Diet 

Another essential tip to ease neck pain is incorporating magnesium into your daily diet. If you’re unaware, this discomfort is most often caused by muscle sprains. Typically, you can avoid this by eating foods rich in magnesium and other essential vitamins. 

Magnesium is a mineral that promotes muscular relaxation and even aids in nerve contractions. These processes are vital, especially if your problem lies in neck discomfort. 

You don’t have to get out of your way to prepare your meals when upping your magnesium intake. In fact, this mineral can be found in common supplies like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You could even consider getting an Epsom salt bath since the skin easily absorbs magnesium. 

Choose Your Pillows Wisely 

To ease neck pain or get rid of it once and for all, you should aim to get a good night’s sleep. Specifically, get yourself a nice set of pillows that will provide you with maximum comfort and rest. There are plenty of types on the market, including water pillows, a popular go-to choice for people with neck discomfort. 

With it, you’re free to control how soft or firm you want your pillows to be. All you have to do is to increase or decrease the water you’re going to seal inside, and you’re good to go. Note that the more water there is, the firmer your pillow will be. 

If you’re not a fan of water pillows, opt for other high-quality ones instead. You could even stack up several pillows under your head but be mindful not to strain your neck. 

Get Your Hands on a Hot and Cold Compress

On the unfortunate chance that you’re experiencing bouts of neck discomforts, grab a cold compress. This is a great technique to alleviate the pain and help soothe inflamed muscles. Pressing a cold compress on the area will lower blood flow and heal tissue injuries over time. 

After doing cold therapy on your neck, you could also use a hot compress to heal neck pain afterward. Doing so will stimulate blood flow to eliminate muscle stress and pain further. Not only that, but this is an effective treatment to soothe strain and neck discomfort. 

Using cold and hot compress alternatively is proven to bring relief and pain reduction to your body. Together, the heat and cold relax your overworked muscles, which will then bring about the loss of neck pain issues. If compresses are not enough for you, try to get a warm bath or a heating pad instead. 

Seek Professional Help 

If you’re doing several techniques to alleviate neck pain but still to no avail, it’s time to seek professional help. You could book an appointment with your doctor to get the right prescription. This is especially the case if the chronic discomfort may be your body’s signal for something else. 

Your doctor can also recommend you get physical therapy to improve your neck’s strength. This includes different types of massages and exercises that enhance your spine’s strength. Combined with light stretching and aerobic activities, this may be the key to easing your neck pain permanently. 

A doctor’s referral to a licensed physical therapist can also help decipher the root cause of discomfort. Not only that, but you also get to up your strength and mobility, especially if you’ve had a previous injury. 

You could also hire the services of a professional chiropractor to further improve the status of your muscles and joints. This will also address your neck pains specifically since these professionals work on a particular body part. As a bonus, you also get to improve your posture and target pain and stiffness. 


There are a lot of ways to alleviate neck pain, be it at home or through the help of a professional. No matter what option you make, ensure that you don’t strain your muscles too much. Additionally, it’s also best to prioritize comfort and convenience when doing your daily tasks.