8 Best Foods for Healthy Skin

September 14, 2022

Who doesn’t want beautiful, glowing skin? No wonder the beauty and health industry is thriving. In 2021, the skincare market, which includes skin-enhancing lotions and creams, delivered total revenue of $136 billion worldwide. However, all these complexion-enhancing products work best as adjuncts to a healthful diet. If you put junk in your trunk, that is, consume skin-damaging food, it won’t matter what expensive topicals you use. You’ll likely continue to have dull, acne-prone, or dry skin. Not sure what to eat? Then read on to discover the top foods to indulge in for healthy skin.

Super Foods for Radiant Skin

Check out this list of some of nature’s best skin-loving edibles.

1. Fatty Fish

Aside from their heart-saving benefits, Omega-3 fatty acids are also critical in reducing the production of excitable cytokines and eicosanoids, which trigger inflammation. In addition, these polyunsaturated fatty acids contain resolvins, mediating molecules with the potent ability to help ward off allergies and inflammatory diseases. Thus, Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to clear, smooth, and supple skin.

Although our bodies cannot produce these essential fats naturally, we can get them from the food we eat. For example, one rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids is fatty fish, such as wild salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. 

Fatty fish also boast of having vitamin E, an antioxidant crucial for reducing UV damage from the sun and combating free radicals that destroy the skin’s collagen and elastin.

On top of that, fatty fish provides zinc, which helps heal skin inflammation and lesions.

2. Avocado

Not only do avocados taste incredibly yummy on toast, but more importantly, they contain wonderful nutrients that enhance the health of your skin. Avos are abundant in healthy, monounsaturated fats that keep skin moisturized and soft. It also has many compounds that boost cellular repair and regeneration and help treat skin conditions like acne and eczema. And as if these weren’t enough, the fruit is also loaded with skin-beneficial vitamins and minerals. For instance, it contains the B-vitamins of thiamine, riboflavin, and niacinamide. These molecules help protect skin from redness, irritation, dryness, and acne for a radiant appearance. 

Avocado is also packed with vitamins C, E, and K, which boost collagen production. Collagen molecules are unique proteins that are the main building blocks of your skin. 

Additionally, the fruit also contains potassium, which regulates skin hydration. Then there’s zinc, which helps reduce inflammation, and magnesium, which helps treat mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis.  

3. Kiwi 

The Kiwi fruit is not just an exotic fruit that posh chefs with which posh chefs decorate their puff pastries and cakes. Unknown to many, it is nutrient-dense, with an army of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, lutein, choline, and zeaxanthin. Together, these potent substances help clear the body of free radicals, reduce sun damage, and keep wrinkles at bay. They also help enhance collagen synthesis for improved skin strength and elasticity. Kiwi also has vitamin E or tocopherol, another powerful antioxidant that can give the skin significant protection against oxidative damage from UV rays.

4. Berries 

Among the skin-loving superfoods, these juicy fruits are uber abundant in antioxidants. It’s also a plus that you can eat them in many healthful ways, such as in salads and cereals. They can even be enjoyed on their own as handy snacks. 

And you can have your pick of the lot! You can enjoy blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries drenched with vitamin C. Studies show that the antioxidants in berries can help minimize oxidative stress, which ages the skin and body. As we all know, premature aging can reduce the supply of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. This may result in fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and various skin diseases.

5. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Not everything oily is bad for your skin. Extra virgin olive oil is one wonder food rich in moisturizing oleic acid that helps reduce skin and body inflammation. EVOO also helps regulate cellular processes essential for repairing damaged tissues, fighting inflammation, healing wounds, enhancing skin barrier function, and preventing photoaging. So go ahead, and feel free to indulge in extra virgin olive oil with your salads and steamed veggies!

6. Walnuts 

Walnuts are a powerhouse of amazing skincare benefits. The deliciously crunchy nibbles contain phytochemicals, plant compounds that squash free radicals and inhibit inflammation. These are also essential for skin repair and regeneration. In addition, the nut’s generous amounts of antioxidants (higher than any other nut) help reduce age-inducing oxidative stress. It’s also a rich source of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acids. These dietary fatty acids are potent substances for treating skin lesions caused by UVB damage. Yet another benefit of walnuts is that it has zinc, which is an essential mineral for defending skin against bacteria and inflammation as well as expediting the healing of wounds.  

7. Leafy Greens 

If your folks always tell you how dark, leafy greens are great for your health, that’s because they are. Broccoli, Swiss chard, kale, and collard greens are but a few examples of these beauty boosters. They are chockfull of vitamins, several phytochemicals, calcium, and even fiber. 

Did you know that just a cup of raw broccoli can already give you a whole day’s supply of vitamins C and K? These nutrients help with normal blood clotting and promote collagen formation. They also help collect free radicals and eliminate toxic oxidants harmful to the skin.

8. Red or Yellow Bell Peppers 

The National Institute of Health found that half a cup of raw red pepper can already supply 95 milligrams of vitamin C, which is more than your daily nutritional requirement. In addition, one cup of these spicy veggies (chopped) is already equivalent to 156% of your dietary value for vitamin A. These are also excellent sources of carotenoids, which help neutralize skin-damaging free radicals. Peppers are also vitamin-C rich, which allows them to strengthen collagen and elastin fibers necessary for a firm and radiant skin.

The Bottom Line 

Eat up on these best foods for robust and beautiful skin, and complement your complexion-enhancing diet with a healthful lifestyle. You’re sure to glow up as you see the difference in how your skin looks and feels. 

For more ways to radiantly revitalized skin, check out eixil.com, an exclusive space in the online arena focused on delivering products for a quality lifestyle and a healthy mind and body.